Saturday 18 January 2020

What Time of Day?

As we all know, Social Media works 24/7, but for a business, you have a demographic, and that demographic works at certain times of the day. So, you need to make sure that demographic sees your posts and presence at the right. But what time is the right time?
Let's take an example. A window cleaning company. Simple thing, you might think. Post at any time and you should see a variety of people that may want their windows cleaned. True, but not accurate enough. If you run a test on your business Page for Facebook, and post several times during a day or two, you will get insights on those posts.
Insights on Facebook
Said insights should show you how many people have seen the posts, what the demographic is, and any interactions you get from it (likes, comments or shares). Now, my Facebook Page is just a test bed for me to see how things work, so I don't expect any interaction, but I can still see that on the whole, some of you have seen my posts.
Back to the Window Cleaning. So, you've spent the last couple of days researching when best to post on your page, and you find that evenings and weekends seem to be the best spot to place posts. It is ideal to post daily on your page (just for relevance), but these are your prime spots. You can then set up a series of scheduled posts (assuming you will be busy at the weekend with work), or make an ad campaign to advertise your business on Social Media during the weekends or evenings.
With this is mind, my next objective on this business page is to kind of open it up to more than just my friends list (you've all been great just so you know), and advertise on Facebook and Instagram.
Now, I'm a bit dubious of doing this. There are a few reasons why:
1. I don't actually own a business.
2. The Page I run is purely test bed material.
3. I'm not that keen on letting the world know it exists just yet.
4. I'm not in it for any gain, other than experience of running a campaign.

So, my dilemma is this, do I run ads on the Page, and make a conscious effort to make sure people know it's just a test, thus not gaining the experience of running an ad, or go ahead, run the ad, make people aware, and make sure I know how to run it all properly?
I'm still yet to decide.

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